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Geoff Young for Congress

The most pro-peace candidate Kentucky has ever seen.

"Most countries practice genuine diplomacy. The USA, Ukraine, Israel & NATO don't. They commit terrorism & aggression 24/7/365."






Donald Trump & Kamala Harris are both pro-Zionist, ignorant, savage, genocidal maniacs. Every American should vote for Dr. Jill Stein because she's for peace. But if you feel you MUST vote for an ignorant, savage, genocidal maniac, vote for Trump because he's better on ending the war in Ukraine. In Kentucky in 2024, Jill Stein is running under the banner of the "Kentucky Party." 

Kentucky is in big trouble because America is in big trouble. America is in big trouble because for the last several decades, the military-industrial complex, the President (whether Democrat or Republican), the US military & CIA, the House of Representatives & the Senate have been waging unjust wars all around the world, none of which we had to fight in order to defend our country. 

If we don't bring all our troops and weapons home and cut our “defense” budget by at least 75%, America will be destroyed. Not necessarily invaded and conquered, but destroyed economically and turned into a failed state like Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine or Israel. 

I have been passionate about ending all of our wars and negotiating an international treaty to permanently and verifiably eliminate all nuclear weapons in the world since 1976, when I took two Political Science courses at MIT taught by Noam Chomsky.

I moved from Massachusetts to Kentucky in 1982, worked in Frankfort for 15 years in the Energy and Environment Cabinet, and retired early to become a full-time political activist working for peace, justice, economic development, stronger unions, a less polluted environment, especially in poor areas of Kentucky, and abortion rights for all American women and girls who need an abortion (see below).

Our leaders in Washington today are the worst we've ever had in the history of our country, and our large mainstream media (MSM) corporations have never been more biased, pro-war and full of propaganda than they are today. I don't blame anyone who feels confused and angry about politics and the future of our Commonwealth and our country. I blame the huge MSM corporations. The best way to find out what's really going on is alternative news sources on the web.​​​

In 2024, I proposed a strategy of impeaching and removing every president who commits international terrorism, international aggression, or genocide immediately, regardless of whether it's a Democrat, a Republican, a man or a woman. Then if the vice president, who would become the new president, continues committing war crimes, we, the American people, force Congress to impeach and remove him or her immediately. Then the next war criminal president, and the next war criminal president, and the next war criminal president, and the next war criminal president, and the next war criminal president, until both parties finally get the message: Commit war crimes, get impeached & removed. I've never heard of a better strategy to stop all of our violence in the world for good. If you have a better strategy, I'd like to hear it!

The Abortion Issue:  Impeach and remove all 6 crooked Supreme Court "Justices" who overturned Roe v. Wade

The overturning of the (1973) Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision in June,  2022 was a full-scale, partisan, Republican attack against women's health and women's constitutional rights. If all abortions are made illegal in every state with no exceptions, thousands of women will die every year for lack of reproductive health care. The six woman-hating, Constitution-shredding, precedent-shredding, Republican "justices" on the US Supreme Court should be impeached & removed from the Supreme Court because they overturned Roe v. Wade for no valid or constitutional reason whatsoever - simply because they had the votes. I am a strong supporter of Planned Parenthood, and I will work hard to repeal every bit of national & state legislation the 100% immoral, woman-hating "Right-To-Life" political movement and the 100% immoral, woman-hating Republican Party have ever gotten passed.


I support the legalization of cannabis in every state in America and more drug treatment programs to help Kentucky addicts recover from their addictions. That will dramatically reduce the number of overdose deaths that happen in Kentucky, and it will get organized crime out of the addictive drug business. The comedian John Oliver did an excellent segment called "Harm Reduction" on March 27, 2022, and it represents my position about how to solve the addiction and drug overdose crisis:

Defend the National Guard:

I support Defend the Guard legislation, which would prohibit Kentucky’s and every other state's National Guard units from ever being deployed into active combat outside the 50 states without a formal declaration of war by Congress, as provided by the U.S. Constitution. See the website,

Yours in Peace,

Geoff Young

Endorsed by Covert Action Magazine anMovement for People's Democracy.

Please help me become the most PRO-PEACE Congressman

Kentucky has ever had!

If you want to contribute, please mail a check made out to

Geoff Young for Kentucky to:

2430 Millbrook Drive, Lexington, KY 40503

My land line number is (859) 278-4966

Email address:

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